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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Peter Williams's Dharma Talks at Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center
Peter Williams
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2023-10-05 The Entire Buddhist Path in a Single Sentence 58:11
The key to our well-being is our relationship to feeling tone, the qualities of pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral that color every experience. Solving this solves the human conundrum.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Meditation, Nature and Awakening
2023-10-03 My Father's Death, Sensory Clarity & Emotional Freedom 63:50
Includes: the dharma of attending one's father's death; the power of sensory clarity to alleviate suffering; how to stay open-hearted with all emotions using Peter's mindfulness approach of RATA.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Meditation, Nature and Awakening
2019-09-25 Interdependence, Sacred Activism and Joy 54:51
Highlights the absurdity of belief in our separateness and illuminates our interdependence with all of life. Discusses how to act wisely to protect the environment. Discusses how to balance pain with joy and humor.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Meditation, Nature and Awareness
2017-10-03 Emotions as a Path of Awakening 63:24
Our emotions, be they pleasant or unpleasant, are a path of awakening. Through them we get insight into our belonging and unity.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Awakening the Heart in Nature
2017-10-01 Working with Difficult Emotions 58:42
Using mindfulness and contact with nature to make friends with our difficult states.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Awakening the Heart in Nature
2016-09-10 Making Peace with Pleasure and Pain 60:31
Working with feeling tone (vedana) - essence of Buddhist path is replacing reactivity to vedana with mindfulness of it.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Going to the Woods Insight Mediation Retreat
2015-09-20 I Do: The Marriage of Love and Wisdom 55:52
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Love and Wisdom Insight Meditation Retreat
2015-06-04 Trust the Difficult, Trust the Easy 67:12
A primer on emotional freedom
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Going to the Woods Insight Meditation Retreat
2014-06-04 Joy in Practice, Joy in Life 63:19
Emphasizing joy, countering negativity bias of the brain
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Going to the Woods Insight Meditation Retreat
2014-06-01 Sensory Awareness and Encountering Nature 59:41
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Going to the Woods Insight Meditation Retreat

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