The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center
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2019-09-25 Interdependence, Sacred Activism and Joy 54:51
Peter Williams
Highlights the absurdity of belief in our separateness and illuminates our interdependence with all of life. Discusses how to act wisely to protect the environment. Discusses how to balance pain with joy and humor.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Meditation, Nature and Awareness

2019-09-22 Emotions 36:04
Chas DiCapua
Understanding the place of emotions in daily life and the part they play in the development of the eightfold path.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Meditation, Nature and Awareness

2019-09-06 Beloved Community 1:11:11
Sebene Selassie, Alexis Santos
Dharma Talk and Q&A
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Trusting in the Natural Process of Body, Heart and Mind

2019-09-04 Facing Suffering and Trusting Nature 34:24
Sebene Selassie
Ways we can meet suffering (personally and collectively) with curiosity, care and connection.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Trusting in the Natural Process of Body, Heart and Mind

2019-08-17 Long Metta Chant 8:13
Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Affectionate Awareness as a Path to Liberation

2019-08-06 Compassion and Right View 49:48
Cheryl Slean
Compassion as an aspect of wisdom. Guided meditation - compassion and forgiveness.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Waking up to Wisdom through the Foundations of Mindfulness

2019-08-06 Investigating Anatta 56:19
Cheryl Slean
Reflections on not-self and common warp we create, self-views around the aggregates.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Waking up to Wisdom through the Foundations of Mindfulness

2019-08-06 Skillful Means in Practice 50:05
Dave Smith
Asking the questions: What is this? How is this? What does this need? - Inspired by Ajahn Succitto
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Waking up to Wisdom through the Foundations of Mindfulness

2019-08-05 Metta Vipassana 50:21
Dave Smith
Developing metta as the anchor into investigating the 3 characteristics.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Waking up to Wisdom through the Foundations of Mindfulness

2019-08-05 Brahma Vihara Heart 59:10
Dave Smith
Reflections and overview of the 4 qualities of Metta.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Waking up to Wisdom through the Foundations of Mindfulness

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