The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center
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2019-08-04 Mindfulness of Mind 55:11
Dave Smith
Overview of Instruction on recognizing the presence and absence of mental states. A primary focus on greed, hatred and delusion.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Waking up to Wisdom through the Foundations of Mindfulness

2019-08-03 Natural Awareness 42:51
Cheryl Slean
Introduction to choiceless awareness with right attitude, followed by guided meditation.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Waking up to Wisdom through the Foundations of Mindfulness

2019-08-03 Samma Ditthi - Right View 55:31
Dave Smith
Understanding view as the beginning and end of the path.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Waking up to Wisdom through the Foundations of Mindfulness

2019-08-03 Practicing Forgiveness 58:03
Dave Smith
Dharma talk followed by guided meditation. Using forgiveness as a letting go of moment to moment experience.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Waking up to Wisdom through the Foundations of Mindfulness

2019-07-16 Awakening Through Insights in Nature 62:49
Mark Coleman
This talk explores the profound insights that arise in nature meditation practice, including insight into impermanence, selflessness, interdependence.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Awake in the Wild

2019-07-15 Nature Practice - A Path of Awareness and Joy 50:33
Mark Coleman
This talk explores some of the benefits and fruits of nature meditation practice.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Awake in the Wild

2019-07-06 Bringing Curiosity to Feeling Tone 64:41
Sebene Selassie
A meditation on bringing a curious and kind awareness to pleasant, unpleasant and neutral.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Meditation Retreat for People of Color

2019-07-05 Guided 4 Elements 31:50
Bonnie Duran
Guided body scan
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Meditation Retreat for People of Color

2019-07-05 Feel More. Suffer Less. 53:33
Sebene Selassie
Exploring the 4 Noble Truths by understanding why the Buddha called suffering and the end of suffering "one thing".
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Meditation Retreat for People of Color

2019-07-04 The 4 Foundations of Mindfulness 59:55
Bonnie Duran
This talk reviews the 4 foundations of mindfulness and breath meditation.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Meditation Retreat for People of Color

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