The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center
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2017-07-03 Impermanence, Sapines and Wombats 49:14
Grove Burnett
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat

2017-07-01 The Community of all Beings 41:31
Trudy Goodman
Refuge in relational wisdom- Embodying tender awareness in nature supporting our practice. The social networks of trees and how they share resources- redistribution of wealth.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Insight Meditation Retreat

2017-06-28 Cultivating Equanimity 41:50
Dave Smith
Equanimity is the fruition and outcome of met-vipassana. A short talk followed by guided instructions.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Going Against the Stream: Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

2017-06-27 A New Paradigm 57:27
Dave Smith
Understanding right view as the doorway into living into your own freedom. Using the analogy of seed to fruit.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Going Against the Stream: Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

2017-06-27 Cultivating Gratitude and Appreciation 44:31
Dave Smith
Outlining the role and aim of appreciation and gratitude within meditative practices. A short talk, followed by a guided practice.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Going Against the Stream: Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

2017-06-27 Let go of the Past, Future, Present 42:58
Cheryl Slean
Reflections on how wise mindfulness helps us let go of clinging to the past, projecting obsessively into the future, and grasping or resisting the ever-changing present. Guided meditation in open, choiceless awareness for continuity of mindfulness.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Going Against the Stream: Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

2017-06-26 You can either Believe in It, or Practice with It. Reflections on key teachings from Sayadaw u Tejaniya 62:36
Cheryl Slean
Reflections on clinging and letting go, mindful investigation and the development of the understanding that uproots defilement.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Going Against the Stream: Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

2017-06-26 Mindfulness of Mind 46:46
Dave Smith
An overview of mindfulness of the mind. Investigating attitude. A short talk followed by a guided meditation.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Going Against the Stream: Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

2017-06-26 Clinging, Forgiveness, and Letting Go 50:45
Cheryl Slean
Brief overview of 1st and 2nd noble truths of clinging (suffering) caused by craving, and the process of developing understanding that let's go. Followed by guided forgiveness practice.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Going Against the Stream: Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

2017-06-24 Seeing the Truth of Things 54:04
Cheryl Slean
Dharma practice designed to reveal Dharma--the Truth of Things. When we are ignorant of this truth, and identify with our inaccurate/incomplete assumptions, beliefs and views, we suffer. How Dharma practice develops the understanding that frees us from suffering.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Going Against the Stream: Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

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