The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center
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2018-06-10 Holistic View: Internal and external, Individual and Collective 21:02
Erin Treat, Sebene Selassie
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Belonging, Connection and Nature:Coming Home Together

2018-06-08 Metta - Vispanna 45:17
Dave Smith
Using metta as an anchor to explore Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta in real-time direct experience.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

2018-06-07 A Genuine Happiness 61:13
Dave Smith
Using the practice of Dharma to cultivate a balance between worldly hedonic pleasure and inner cultivation.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

2018-06-07 Equanimity: Both/And 55:41
Dave Smith
Understanding the two faces of equanimity: wisdom and compassion. Brief talk followed by guided practice.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

2018-06-07 Letting Go of the Past, Present, Future 46:06
Cheryl Slean
Overview of practices for letting go followed by guided 'Big Mind' meditation.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

2018-06-06 Faith, Doubt and Inspiration 49:14
Cheryl Slean
Discussing doubt and other defilements and how to rouse faith and confidence, including inspiring teachings of the Buddha.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

2018-06-06 Cultivating Appreciation and Gratitude - Guided Practice 26:09
Dave Smith
The Bramha-Vihara Mudita
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

2018-06-06 Cultivating Appreciation and Gratitude 23:11
Dave Smith
This talk outlines the Bramha-vihara Mudita, offering and overview.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

2018-06-06 Beginner's Mind Investigation 44:58
Cheryl Slean
Cultivating wise effort for vipassana; mindful investigation thru "beginner's mind" curiosity.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

2018-06-05 The Wound that Seeks the Arrow 61:41
Dave Smith
The process of Dukkha-Sankhara is defined and explored. Understanding the Bramha-viharas as the vehicle for overcoming woundedness.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center Mindfulness and Compassion to Awaken the Heart

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